capricious provenance

what is capricious Provenance?
An award winning multi-system AP Audio Drama fusion set in an arcanepunk, partially homebrewed world of D&D 5e’s Eberron. We aim to tell stories through podcasting and animatics!'s a d&D podcast?
Yes and no. D&D is the main system used, but mechanics are barely featured. Some elements from Pathfinder & other supplements are used. Eventually, we branch out and play other games - such as Tales of the Valiant, The Corrupted and 1400 Sneak.
Will I like it?
Perhaps? Imagine Dragon Age and Baldur’s Gate 3 had a baby. Now, imagine Castlevania and Delicious in Dungeon had a baby, with Legend of Korra & The Owl House as godparents.If those two babies grew up and had a baby?
That’s what Capricious Provenance is.
no really. what’s it about?
It’s a story of love and violence of the self, and for those around us. It circles four heroes(?) navigating their lives in the wake of destruction, wading in the depths of their trauma as they connect with troubled people living in a fragmented, war-torn world.We’re an all queer & trans, majority BIPOC cast of tabletop creatives that bend the rules, change the lore, and break the game to tell a story of fighting tooth and nail against the way things are, and daring to hope for change.
After The Last War devastated Khorvaire - and their lives - fate follows four unlikely friends attempting to grapple with their own destinies as the fate of the world falls into a chaotic uncertainty.Join our…heroes(?) as they navigate their ever-changing lives in the wake of destruction, wading in the depths of their trauma as they connect with the troubled people living in a fragmented world.
© Capricious Provenance. All rights reserved.
about the podcast
After one hundred years of battle and bloodshed on the continent of Khorvaire, THE LAST WAR ends with an event called THE MOURNING - an explosion of magical energy so massive it left behind a devastating fallout spanning miles across the land.

CAPRICIOUS PROVENANCE begins two years after The Mourning, with four stray souls stumbling into working for DAASK, a post-war political revolution. On their journeys, our party is faced with difficult choices, terrible encounters and grave revelations that lead them to discover they are the only chance EBERRON has against stopping a world-ending apocalypse.As our characters struggle within the dissonant grasp of their destinies, they find a harmony in each other. THE WHEEL OF FORTUNE turns evermore, and hope yet still lingers - Will our heroes accept their fate, or fight against it?Capricious Provenance is full of magic, whimsy, gods, monstrosities, moral ambiguity, political intrigue, and queer romance. There is a heavy focus on character roleplay that makes room for heart wrenching character arcs & gives space for relationships between the characters to organically develop. The show explores themes of found family, generational trauma, religious trauma, healing, self discovery, the cost of war, freedom and revolution against an oppressive regime. It is a story of hope in dire times, embracing the monsters within ourselves formed by the world we live in, and finding the beauty in brutality.
meet the
All character information is also available on our Obsidian Portal.
Detailed backstories are linked on the "bio" label - click through to read more!
calais malthasso

"I pray Fate hears the desires of our hearts
that our minds cannot."
Far from his home in the sanctuary of Flamekeep, Calais has never felt more out of place. If a faith healer finds themself working for, say...a criminal organization, it must be the will of the Gods. (If they are even listening anymore.)Calais already knows how their story ends. One of six trained since birth to be the perfect soldier, the Divine Flamehealer, their mother Corinthia’s merciful hand. The world had to be fixed. Their fate was sealed long before he was born. (Pious. Broken. Buried.)But Calais also knows there is a life beyond their alabaster cage. (Death is all they have known.) Everything is new, they are finally becoming, and within them rumbles a celestial fury he carries around like a burden. Can love truly change their fate? Or will he surrender to it?

"Shooting first and thinking later
probably isn't the best course of action, but
I haven't died yet!"
Snowy is a survivor. She was alone in the world for a very long time, venturing her way to Sharn in order to track down the man that murdered her father.Snowy is a survivor. Nightmares of undeath scatter her subconscious. Who was she before the blizzard? Snowy only remembers the cold.
Snowy only remembers rage.Snowy is a survivor, but she is no longer alone. Her first and only friends have become her anchor, and they would do anything to protect them.Echoes of her past life haunt her, and a longing to discover the mystery of their forgotten past pushes them forward. As they grow in power, the winds of winter call her home; will Snowy heed it?

“It's easy to say you've been marked
for death, harder to say you gave
them the gun."
Wanted to lose it all. Nothing to a name.In the dimly lit lanterns of a bar in the melting pot that is Sharn, Finch appeared before three unlucky strangers. Always looking to line their pockets with fresh coin, Finch found themself wrapped up in more than a job to find a “simple” Ledger with his newfound associates.After traveling for a big payout as graciously extended by his harpy informant, Nightsky Caza, Finch was suddenly tossed back into the waiting storm of possible war. No one. Just a debt to claim. If she had known this would spiral into the current and tentative work with Daask, would Finch have traveled with their new companions?Though unknown to the party it seems that Finch may have a past a bit more intricately woven into this grand story despite her attempts to cut ties.
But luck, good or bad, would be obliged. As the tale progresses, will Finch have to confront their past? Will he find happiness and possibly even love at the edge of a quill? Or will the ink continue to bleed on every page no matter how many stories they try
to write?

"For all the knowledge I've sought out,
I've learned far too late that some things
are better left unknown."
Our Fairhaven University graduate has knowledge that proves useful if one were to, say...serve as a researcher of weaponized magic. At the height of the war, Sylvanus made a pact with an unknown entity that called themselves The Seeker in desperation to give his superiors the knowledge they demanded.Failing to comprehend the danger they were in until far too late, Sylvanus quickly found themself at the mercy of their patron in return for limitless knowledge and power.Sylvanus found themself working for Daask at the instruction of The Seeker. Only with the aid of a new patron, The Stage, was he able to break free of their control and cast their presence from his mind. But The Seeker may return to exact their vengeance at any moment...
non-player characters
All character information is also available on our Obsidian Portal.
Serena is an elven woman and information broker, often involving herself in the social affairs and inner workings of Sharn as a member of its high society. Playing the Game is a dangerous occupation, but Serena knows just what strings to pull to keep one step ahead of her foes.After meeting Sylvanus at the auction hosted by Julgar Tarkanan at the Mad Warlock's Tower, she has shown increased interest in both Sylvanus and the party's activities. While inklings of a romance have begun to develop between her and Sylvanus, one has to wonder - are her motivations pure, or does she have ulterior motives?

Rigid and serious, Zaeren is a slightly aged half-elf focused on achieving tasks given to him by Daask as a member of its council. His Dragonmark tattoos grant him the ability to steer and control machines powered by elementals.Despite his cold and focused exterior, Zaeren feels a sense of responsibility towards the group that borders on caring, though he would never admit it. The party doesn't know much about Zaeren or what guides him forward outside of the desire to see Droaam recognized as an independent nation, but one thing is for sure - Zaeren is never going to do anything outside of his pay grade.

Podloach is a grung wizard with one single dream - to learn magic.Podloach initially joined our party during their first journey to Droaam. Ever since then, he has been training as Sylvanus' pupil, and at times has come to aid them in many of their scuffles. Though Podloach does not join the party on all of their missions and battles, everyone considers him a valuable addition to the Daask family.

Calhoun is a charismatic Kalashtar rogue with a heart of gold. After meeting Sylvanus in the caves underneath the city of Noldrunthrone, Calhoun quickly befriended the group.(To be updated with the release of Episode 6.)

A Paladin of the Blood of Vol, Tibia's faith is guided by the "divinity within" and her necromantic abilities. Her primary mission is to secure the Ledger our party stole months ago through whatever means possible. What she plans to use it for, however, is anyone's guess.Tibia's intervention only confirmed the existence of a legendary group of corrupted undead unicorn riders from Karrnath who fought in The Last War long ago - and what terrifies the party the most is that she very much intends on tracking them down.
This game was never intended to be a show when starting out - just a fun game between friends!However, enough people were interested in our little game for us to put effort into making it for the purposes of creating animatics and having an audience! Though the audio is spliced together from sessions we recorded for note taking purposes, the quality increases as we upgrade our equipment. We hope you enjoy this very special story we have created together!
where to listen
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Episode REcaps
Episode Recaps and/or transcripts of the episodes will be uploaded here when available!
transcribed episodes
Transcribed by @whatswithmegan
upcoming recaps
press kit
For our press kit, please visit this link.
⟡ ⟡ ⟡ Email [email protected] for all inquiries ⟡ ⟡ ⟡